英国首相特雷莎·梅(Theresa May)未经议会批准就参加打击叙利亚的军事行动,这种做法在英国国内引发不满,很多议员对其合法性产生质疑。当地时间16日,议会下院(House of Commons)就对叙动武召开紧急辩论(emergency debate)。
英国反对党工党领袖科尔宾(the leader of the opposition Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn)表示,英国应只在联合国授权下介入叙利亚行动,他呼吁停火并找到政治解决的方案。
I believe the action was legally questionable. On Saturday, the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said as much, we reiterating that all countries must act in line with the United Nations charter, which states action must be self-defense or be authorized by the United Nations Security Council. (Source: CCTV) 我认为这次军事行动在法律上存在问题,上周六(14日),联合国秘书长古特雷斯重申所有国家的行动必须根据联合国宪章,即军事行动应出于自卫,或者经过联合国安理会批准。(来源:央视新闻)
在辩论中,很多议员批评特蕾莎不够独立(independent),形容她“跟在美国总统特朗普的后面”。工党议员罗拉(Laura Smith)说她一直在关注特朗普的推特,但是很难弄清他到底是赞成还是反对军事行动(had found it "extremely difficult to keep track if he was for military action or against military action")
紧接着她发问:首相是否能告诉大家,特朗普是如何指挥您进行这场军事行动的呢?("at what point the president instructed her that military action should be taken.")
对此特雷莎·梅略显愤怒地坚决否认道:我对这位女士提出的问题回答是根本没有(at no point at all),这个决定是我做出的,因为我认为这是正确的决定,是符合国家利益的(it was in our nation's best interest)。她的回答一度被嘘声打断。今天(17日)辩论将继续进行。
debate 辩论,辩护n./v.
be open to debate 有待商榷
debate on sth.对...进行辩论
the gun-control debate in the US 美国有关控枪的辩论
The TV program provoked a spirited debate in China. 这个节目在中国引起了激烈的辩论。
Which of them has more talent is open to debate.他们之中谁更有天赋还尚待讨论。
They dabated on foreign affairs. 他们讨论过外交事务。
at no point 绝对/根本没有、不会
At no point does the report question her decision. 报告完全没有质疑她的决定。
At no point has the individual privacy of customers been compromised. 没有任何客户的个人隐私受到影响。